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  • 百花范文网 > 公文大全 > 调研报告 > [英语毕业论文选题英语开题报告]毕业论文开题报告


    时间:2019-07-04 17:47:25来源:百花范文网本文已影响


      on foreignization and domestication of cultural factors in translation (浅谈翻译中文化因素的异化和归化)

      on treatment of cultural factors in translation (翻译中文化差异的处理方法)

      on english translation of public signs in chinese (汉英公示语的翻译)

      on translation of english names of commendation (英语商品名称的翻译)

      the relationship between cultural difference and translation skill 中英文化差异与翻译技巧

      an approach to the translation of poetic image诗歌翻译的意象问题探讨

      a study of the chinese version of titles of english films英语电影片名汉译研究

      a study of the chinese version of titles of english novels英语小说题目的汉译问题

      a comparative study of the english version of the poem “ untitled “ by li shangyin李商隐的诗〈无题〉的英译比较研究

      foreignization and translation of idioms

      on culture translation under foreignization

      on faithfulness in translation

      on fidelity and expressiveness in translation

      interpreting and interpreting skills

      on literal translation and free translation

      the comparison and translation of chinese and english idioms

      equivalence and its application in translation

      cultural equivalence in translation

      learning a foreign language through translation

      arts in verse translation

      a comparative study of two english version of hong lou meng

      on translating the passive voice

      on the translation of english long sentences

      the social and cultural factors in translation practice

      the application of functional equivalence in english and chinese cross-cultural translation

      exploring english-chinese audiovisual translation

      on chinese translation of journalistic english

      on the criteria of interpretation

      on the unit of translation

      the cultural differences and arts of translation in advertising language

      on transformation between parts of speech in e-c translation

      exploring substitution and ellipsis in translation

      on english proverbs translation

      on the criteria of translation

      the analysis of translation style

      cultural differences and translation strategies

      translation and foreign language yeaching

      chinglish in c-e yranslation

      a contrastive study of english and chinese allusions and their translation

      english neologisms in newspaper and their translation

      on translation of humor in pride and prejudice

      on features of journalistic english and its translation

      cultural discrepancies and their influences on translation

      english and chinese translation song lyrics

      translation of address term between english and chinese

      on the importance of context in translation

      on the translation of english pun into chinese

      the role of dictionary in translation

      thought pattern and its influence on translation

      lexical characteristics of legal english and legal lexicon translation

      features of foreign trade english and its translation model

      on euphemism translation

      translation of metaphor from english into chinese

      features of tourism english and its translation












      the gift of magi and consumensm

      a brief comment on an american tragedy

      an analysis of the source of dichson"s death poems

      on the call of the world

      love tragedy and war—an analysis of a farewell to arms

      sister carrie and jennie gerhardt

      the evil of mankind portayed in moby dick

      on henry heming in the red badge of courage

      emily dickingson and her poems

      analysis of a rose of emily

      the aesthetic interpretation of ezra pound"s poetry

      symbolism in the great gatsby

      an analysis of the theme of adventures of huckleberry finn

      on the symbolism of the old men and the sea

      some english learner’ image of america(survey and study)

      influence of the bible on english literature

      deviation and foregrounding in … (using literary works for a case study)

      the language of shakespeare’s sonnets, or of any particular literary works

      cultural shocks in the english language textbooks

      deep love and deep hate—a brief analysis on wuthering heights

      psychological descriptions in hemingway’s the snows of kilimajaro

      on ernest hemingway and his novel the sun also rises

      difference between china and the west reflected in social manners









      o neill剧作对美国戏剧的影响




      简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术on hardy"s tragedy narrative art

      奥斯丁与勃朗特写作风格异同the comparison between austen and bronte in writing style

      杰克·伦敦(或某作家)《  》(某作品)评述on farewell to arms of hemingway







      《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性 tragedy and modernity in tess of d’urbervilles

      华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观 on the view of harmony in wordsworth’s poetry










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