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    时间:2020-07-02 16:15:01来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    国开(中央电大)专科《综合英语(1)》网上形考任务试题及答案 说明:课程编号:01878;



    题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 [题目]I hope we will______ a business relationship to benefit both of our companies. [答案] strike up [题目]It was really very good______ you to help me______ that heavy suitcase. [答案]of...with [题目]Languages, ______ English and French, are not difficult to learn for him. [答案]such as [题目]On their way to school they______ a high wind. [答案]run into [题目]The plane______ at 10:45. There is still an hour to go. [答案]takes off [题目]The plane______ at 10:45. There is still an hour to go. [答案]takes off [题目]After he finished his homework, he______ his pen and stretched himself. [答案]put down [题目]All the children listened to his______ with eager attention. [答案]adventures [题目]Do you still remember______ the Great Barrier Reef? You were so scared. [答案]diving [题目]He______ the technical skill in computer while working in the company. [答案]picked up [题目]He is the European______ for many Japanese companies. [答案]agent [题目]I went to London______ business last year. [答案]on [题目]I've got to______ going now, otherwise I will miss the opening of the show. [答案]set [题目]Make a list of different places you've______ to. [答案]been [题目]That woman had some difficulties______ her heavy luggage. [答案]carrying [题目]The government spent a lot of money______ make this land better. [答案]helping [题目]The plane______ at 10:45. There is still an hour to go. [答案]takes off [题目]The research center______ a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately. [答案]worked out [题目]The result of the experiment was quite______ from what I expected. [答案]different [题目]The student always______ an excuse for his being late. [答案]made up [题目]There______ a lot of trees around our village, but now they are all gone. [答案]used to be [题目]There were many people outside the building, ______ in line for the concert tickets. [答案]waiting [题目]These new products will______ before long. [答案]come out [题目]They enjoyed______ a ride on horseback and spent the day in the mountains. [答案]taking [题目]This dance is______ with young people all over the region. [答案]popular [题目]We haven't got any news from you. Tell me what in the world you are______? [答案]up to [题目]When he moved to Canada, the children______ to the change very well. [答案]adjusted [题目]When talking about the______ trip, he was very______. [答案]tiring excited [题目]—Let me help you get the books back. —_______________. [答案]I’m all set. But thanks anyway. [题目]—Have you been to Sydney? —_______________. [答案]No, but I hope to go there sometime next year. [题目]—How do you like the film on TV last night? —_______________. [答案]I really enjoyed it. [题目]—How long have you worked at New Wave? —_______________. [答案]For about 5 years. [题目]—I hear you've been to Tokyo. —_______________. [答案]Yes. I went there last month. [题目]According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually______. [答案]try to guess their meanings [题目]Successful language learners want to learn the language because______. [答案]they have interest in the language [题目]Successful language learning is active, so successful learners______. [答案]look for a chance to use the language [题目]What is the purpose of this passage? [答案]To introduce some useful techniques of language learning. [题目]Which one of the following statements is true about successful language [答案]They use special techniques.

    相关热词搜索:英语 专科 试题 国开(中央电大)专科《综合英语(1)》网上形考任务试题及答案 国开英语形考答案 电大管理英语1答案

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