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    时间:2020-07-09 06:10:32来源:百花范文网本文已影响

     2020,4 TA 们也仅仅穿戴防护服的俗人 ”:疫情下的一线医生

     今日导读: 跟着新冠肺炎疫情在全球延伸, 美国的新冠肺炎确诊总数现已远超我国。 由于病

     患数量倍增, 美国各地区的医疗系统正在承载不行思议的巨大压力。 不少医护人员都需求连

     轴作业,承受着巨大的压力。 他们不只要担忧自己感染疾病, 还惧怕把危险带给家人和朋友。

     在这样的布景下, 今日流利说阅览的课程选取了一位纽约州医生的自述, 让咱们来听听一线

     医生在这场战 “疫 ”中的实在心声。

     正文 Doctor: I am a soldier in this battle, and I am scared

     医生:我是这场战 “疫 ”里的一名兵士,我很惧怕

     I am a resident physician working at SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital in Syracuse,

     New York. My first encounter with a Covid-19 positive patient is something I will never


     She passed away due to severe respiratory failure, despite maximal medical supportive

     therapy. When I learned this, I went from being anxious to scared and then eventually

     subdued. I believe my anxiety came from three causes: The clinical unpredictability of the

     disease, its high transmissibility and, more importantly, not being able to alleviate my

     patient's distress.

     我是一名住院医生, 在坐落纽约州雪城的纽约州立大学上州医科大学医院作业。 我永久不会



     我的心情从焦虑转变为惊骇, 终究变得十分失落。 我以为自己的不安有三点原因: 疾病在临

     床上的不行猜测性、疾病的高传染性,以及最重要的 —— 我无法减轻患者的苦楚。

     Ever since then, every time I have entered a patient room with a potential Covid-19 infection I

     have felt scared — scared that I will infect other patients, my colleagues or my loved ones.

     Health care providers internalize — and even forget — the emotional toll the job can take. If

     you meet any of us in the hallway, you may forget for a moment that we are in an ongoing

     pandemic. We walk into work, smiling, calm and composed.

     从那之后, 每逢我走进一个新冠肺炎疑似病例的病房里, 我都会怕我会感染其他患者、 我的

     搭档或是我爱的人。 医护人员会消化、 乃至忘掉作业带来的情感伤口。 假如你在走廊上遇到

     咱们中的一员, 你或许会忽然忘掉咱们正在阅历一场大规划的流行病。 咱们微笑着, 冷静镇


     This act of gallantry comes at a deep personal cost. The heaping emotions chip away little

     parts of you without your even knowing, leading to suppressed turmoil and eventually — for

     some — burnout. We do not show our vulnerabilities to the world, as we believe that doing so

     would evoke more panic to those on the outside.

     这种英勇的行为是以巨大的个人献身为价值的。 铢积寸累的心情在不知不觉中, 一点点腐蚀

     人的身体, 形成压抑着的焦虑心情, 并终究使一些人精力溃散。 咱们不会向国际展现自己的


     It is completely justified to be overwhelmed. But if we take one day at a time, calmly focus

     on our role in this fight, then we might be able to see the light at the end of this tunnel, and

     probably soon.

     I am a soldier in this battle, I am fighting my piece, and I ask you to fight yours. Breathe and

     keep fighting.

     这样的溃散再合理不过。 但假如咱们能专心于眼前的作业, 冷静地重视个人在战 “疫 ”中的角


     在这场战 “疫 ”中,我是一名兵士。我做出了自己的尽力,我也呼吁你一同战役。深呼吸,继



     resident physician 住院医生

     相关词汇: physician(n. 医生,内科医生)近义词: doctor

     相关词汇: resident(n. 居民,住客;住院医生) (adj. 住在作业场所的)

     调配短语: a resident tutor

     encounter/?n?ka?n.t??/n. 偶然相遇,不期而遇( v. 碰到;邂逅)

     调配短语: encounter difficulties 调配短语: encounter danger

     英文释义: meet someone unexpectedly

     调配短语: a chance encounter with an old friend

     positive/?p ɑ?.z?.t?(?医v/a学d j检. 测)呈阳性的;积极的反义词: negative(adj. 呈阴性的)

     例句: The patient tested positive for Covid-19.

     respiratory/?res.p?.r?.t??r.i/adj. 呼吸的 respiration (n. 呼吸)

     调配短语: artificial respiration


     相关词汇: subdue(v. 制服,降服;按捺)英文释义: get control of sth.

     近义词: conquer(制服,降服)

     调配短语: to subdue and overcome the fears(按捺)

     clinical/?kl? n.?.k ?l/adj. 门诊的,临床的 clinic (n. 诊所)

     调配短语: clinical trials

     transmissibility/tr?ns,m ?s?'b?l ?ti/n. 传播性,传染性

     相关词汇: transmit(v. 传达)调配短语: to transmit disease

     相关词汇: transmissible(adj. 有传染性的)

     alleviate/ ??li?.vi.e?t/v. 减轻,缓和,缓解

     近义词: ease调配短语: to ease the distress

     近义词: mitigate 调配短语: to mitigate the distress

     internalize/ ?n?t??.n?l.a?z/v. 使 ... 成为性格的一部分,使内化

     toll/to ? l/n. 毁坏;伤亡人数 death toll

     例句: The cold weather takes its toll on our health.

     composed/k ?m?po?zd/adj. 镇静的,沉着的,平静的

     相关词汇: composure(n. 冷静)调配短语: such class, such composure

     gallantry/? ɡ?l.?n.tr英i/n勇. ,勇敢(尤指在作战中)近义词: bravery


     相关词汇: heap(n. 堆)(v. 堆积,堆积)调配短语: a heap of sth.

     词义剖析: pile, heap

     heap 通常指凌乱的、呈小山状的一堆东西,如 a heap of clothes(一堆凌乱的衣服)

     pile 既可指规整的一叠,也可指凌乱的一堆,如 a neat pile of clothes(一叠规整的衣服)

     chip away 继续一步步地)危害,削弱 chip(n. 碎片)

     suppress/s??pres/v. 镇压;抑制 subdue(v. 制服,征服;抑制)

     turmoil/?t??.m??l/n. 混乱,骚乱,动乱 a state of great anxiety and confusion

     调配短语: sth. is in turmoil

     例句: The thoughts were in turmoil. 例句: Her marriage was in turmoil.

     burnout/?b?rn? ɑ?精t/n疲. 力竭,疲惫不堪;燃尽

     相关短语: burn out(烧光,烧尽;精疲力竭)例句: The candle burned out.

     evoke/??vo?k/v. 引起,唤起(记忆或感情)

     例句: The photographs evoked memories of the good old days.

     例句: The movie evoked critical reactions.

     justified/?d??s.t?.fa?d/adj. 有正当理由的 just(adj. 正当的)

     例句: You were fully justified in complaining.

     take one day at a time 顺从其美,不为未来方案或担忧

     同义短语: take it one day at a time; take each day as it comes

     light at the end of this/the tunnel 含辛茹苦之后的)期望之光



     美国新冠疫情正在全美快速延伸, 近来接连 3 天每日新增病例超 3 万,疫情曲线远未陡峭。

     美国总统特朗普称, 4 月前两周是美国 “十分苦楚的两周 ”。

     美国约翰斯 ·霍普金斯大学发布的新冠疫情最新统计数据显现,到美东时刻 4 月 8 日下

     午,美国新冠病毒感染病例现已超越 42 万例,其间逝世病例 14529 例。

     在疫情最为严峻的纽约州,当地已有超越 6200 人在疫情中丧生,远远超越了 “9· 1事1”件造

     成的逝世人数。 而许多州现在检测力度缺乏, 从检测到确诊需时一周乃至更长时刻, 实践感


     眼下, 新的重疫区正在浮出水面, 特别是路易斯安那州的新奥尔良和密歇根州的底特律, 市


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