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    时间:2021-10-15 09:10:53来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    Unit One Protocol Routine I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the long run. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about protocol routine. 4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about protocol routine. II Materials and/or equipment 1. Business Interpreting 2. ! 3. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 4. Overhead projector 5. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. An Overview of Interpreting 15 m l Definition and Types of Interpreting 1). Consecutive Interpreting 2). Simultaneous Interpreting l 《 l Past and Present of Interpreting 1). Development of Modern Interpreting 2). Professional Interpreting In China l Features and Process of interpreting 1). Features of Interpreting 1. Extemporaneousness(即席性); 2. Stressfulness(紧张性); 3. Independence(独立性); 4. Comprehensiveness(综合性) 5. “ 6. Miscellaneousness(多面性) 2). Process of Interpreting l Basic Requirements for Interpreters 1). A Strong Sense of Duty 2). A High Level of Linguistic Proficiency 3). Wide Encyclopedic Knowledge 4). A Good Mastery of Interpreting Skills l Professional Codes of Conduct 【 II. Theory & Techniques: Long-term Preparation 20 m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Two Types of Pre-interpreting Preparation 2. What and How to Prepare in the Long Run III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l / l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l ' l Show the reference note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m ) I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l A well-prepared interpreter is usually confident and relaxed and an experienced interpreter never stops preparing for the interpreting tasks. l 【 l Interpreters must continually work to improve their mastery of basic linguistic and interpreting skills; command of general and subject knowledge; and a strong cross-cultural awareness. l It is advisable for the trainees to keep on practicing interpreting, reading widely and learning to collect and summarize what has been learned. After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l , l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l ! l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Two Ceremonial Address I. Unit Objectives 5. Ss understand what and how to prepare for the interpreting tasks in the short run. 6. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 7. Ss master the basic words and expressions about ceremonial address. 8. ; 9. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about ceremonial address. II Materials and/or equipment 6. Business Interpreting 7. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 8. Overhead projector 9. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50 m \ I. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Short-term preparation 20 m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. What to Prepare 2. How to Prepare ( A Sample Question List To Organizer: 1. May I have the schedule Will there be any changes about the schedule 2. Is it possible for me to have the speakers’ speech drafts or ppt slides 3. Who will attend the conference Is there a Q & A session 4. Who are the key-note speakers How can I get in touch with them To Speaker: 1. How long will the speech last 2. % 3. What are your main points Are you going to add or cut any points 4. Are you going to use any technical terms 5. May I have your draft or ppt slides III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m ] I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. ! IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l “ l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l The short-term preparation refers to the job that can only be prepared shortly before the interpreting task is taken. l The interpreter shall beforehand prepare the relevant documents and terminology; dictionaries and note-books; proper dresses and name cards. l The following three ways are suggested when making short-term pre-interpreting preparation, namely, read through the relevant documents; surf the internet; contact the organizer and the speakers. : After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon ] Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l : l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Three Dinner Party I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand the importance and guidelines of active listening. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about dinner party. 4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about dinner party. 。

    II Materials and/or equipment 10. Business Interpreting 11. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 12. Overhead projector 13. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m — Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Active Listening 20 m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Decoding in Interpreter’s Training 2. Three Guidelines for Active Listening / 3. Three Methods to Listen Actively III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m - Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l # l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l 。

    l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l Decoding is the first step in interpreting. l Both CI and SI require not ordinary listening but active listening. l Interpreters listen to meaning instead of words, they listen for both content and attitude, and they listen with ears, eyes, heart. l To improve the efficiency of active listening, interpreters are supposed to sit or stand comfortably upright; observe the speaker’s body language; and try to visualize the words. . After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon ¥ Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l & l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Four Business Travel I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand the ways to identify the main ideas of the source text. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business travel. 4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business travel. > II Materials and/or equipment 14. Business Interpreting 15. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 16. Overhead projector 17. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50m - I. Simulation 15m l Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Discourse Analysis 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Identification of the Speech Types 1). Descriptive Writing 2). Narrative Writing 3). Expositive Writing 4). Persuasive Writing ( 2. Identification of the Main Ideas 1). Sentence Level 2). Discourse Level III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m } I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l - l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l ? l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l An analysis of speech types is a determinant factor in interpreting. l There are four basic speech types: descriptive, persuasive, expository, and narrative. l 、 l The main ideas of the source speech can be identified at the sentence level and at the discourse level. l The most important task for an interpreter is to discern from the clusters of utterances the subject, verb and object. After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development } Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l … l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Five Business Interview I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand the importance and features of note taking in interpreting. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 3. \ 4. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business interview. 5. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business interview. II Materials and/or equipment 18. Business Interpreting 19. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 20. Overhead projector 21. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures ! Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m l Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Note Taking I 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Note Taking—an Aid and an Evil ! 2. Two Features of Note-taking III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 50m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 15m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. $ II. Memorizing--Story Retelling Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l 、 l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l ^ l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l Note-taking is said to be an important aid and a necessary evil. l The purpose of note taking in interpreting is to supplement memory efficiency. l Notes are essentially individual in character. After class activities @ I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice { Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. ;

    Unit Six Business Advertisement I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand what notes to take and how to take notes in interpreting. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 6. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business advertisement. 7. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business advertisement. II Materials and/or equipment 22. 】 23. Business Interpreting 24. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 25. Overhead projector 26. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50m I. Simulation 15m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l ^ l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Note Taking II 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. What Notes To Take 2. How To Take Notes III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English l \ l English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English l English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m ^ Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l :
    l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l ; l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l Interpreters are supposed to note down the following elements while listening: key words and main ideas; figures, proper names and list; links and transitional expression; beginning and ending. l Interpreters are advised to follow the following principles while taking notes: take the notes in columns; use abbreviations and symbols; few words and more lines; be logical and legible. After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l “ l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D , II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Seven Business Presentation I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand what notes to take and how to take notes in interpreting. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 8. @ 9. Ss master the basic words and expressions about business advertisement. 10. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about business advertisement. II Materials and/or equipment 27. Business Interpreting 28. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 29. Overhead projector 30. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures / Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. 2. Theory & Techniques: Note Taking III 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Symbols and Abbreviations 2. Cases Study 、 III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English l English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English l English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m @ Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 mPlay the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l - l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l < l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l Symbols and abbreviations account for a large part of note-taking. l The advantages of most signs and symbols is the fact that they do not belong to any particular language and can be written in one language and read out in another without much effort, as is the case of numerals. l The symbols and abbreviations can be divided into various categories, such as symbols from the alphabet; punctuations marks; mathematical symbols; the arrows etc. After class activities 》 I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice \ Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. | Unit Eight Press Conference I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand the importance and process of memory in interpreting. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 11. Ss master the basic words and expressions about. 12. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about China’s foreign policy. II Materials and/or equipment 31. :
    32. Business Interpreting 33. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 34. Overhead projector 35. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l … l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Story Retelling I 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Memory in interpreting 2. The Process of Memory III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l ? l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l , l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m , I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l An interpreter needs an extraordinary memory. l - l The more “meaningful” the information, the shorter it takes for it to be committed to memory and the easier it is to remember. l The studies of human memory usually make a distinction between short-term and long-term memory. l The process of memory involves three stages: encoding information, storing information, and retrieving information. After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l & l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. Unit Nine Enterprise Introduction I. Unit Objectives 1. Ss understand the importance, process and tactics of story retelling. 2. Ss find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. 3. Ss master the basic words and expressions about enterprise introduction 4. Ss know some cultural background knowledge about enterprise introduction. II Materials and/or equipment 36. Business Interpreting 37. Other reference materials prepared by the teacher 38. Overhead projector 39. Computer III Focus Points and Teaching Procedures Phase 1 Preparing 50 m I. Simulation 15 m Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l While the students are doing the simulation interpretation, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Theory & Techniques: Story Retelling II 20m l Warm-up activity l Presentation: 1. Story Retelling and Memory Training 2. Tactics for Story Retelling III. Phrase Interpreting 5 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese IV. Sentence Interpreting 10 m l Chinese- English English-Chinese Phase 2 Performing 30 m I. Decoding--Notes Taking 5 m Play the CD of text A, ask the students to catch the main ideas of the speech. Note down the key points while listening. Then tell the main ideas of the speech with the help of their notes. II. Memorizing--Story Retelling 5 m Play the CD again, Ask some students to listen to the recordings of Text A again. Try to catch more details and improve their notes. Then retell the speech in their own words with the help of the notes. III. Encoding--Message Reconstructing 10 m l Play the CD again paragraph by paragraph, then ask the students to interpret the passage during the pauses according to the notes they have taken. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Show your note to the students, ask them to compare it with their own. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. IV. Coordinating—Field Interpreting 10 m l Play the CD of text B. with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the dialogue. l Ask two students to interpret what they have heard with the key points on their notes. l Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. Phase 3 Packaging 20 m I. Interpreting and Assessment 15 m l Play the CD of text C with a pause after each paragraph. Ask the students to take some notes while listening to the speech.. l Ask some students to interpret what they have heard with the key point on their notes. l Then ask two of them to do it again, one read the passage, the other tries to be the interpreter. Choose some of the representatives to do it in class. l Then play the CD again which presenting the reference key. This time, the teacher will help them to check the interpretation. l While the students are doing the interpretation of Text C, ask the other groups to make assessment with their group members on the assessment form with the criterion given. In the end the teacher will ask the representatives to show the assessment form and then make some comment on the performance and assessment as well. II. Points to Remember 5 m l Story-retelling is an essential and practical exercise in memory training. l Categorization, Generalization, Comparison and Visualization are some basic skills for story retelling. After class activities I. Supplementary Exercises l Task I Simulation Exercises Divide the students into several groups, ask them to role-play the following situations. They can make dialogues or speeches according to the words and expressions they have learned in the language bank acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class. l Task 2 Vocabulary Development Ask the students to read the following words and expressions about business travel. Try to keep them in mind so that they can put them to use in the simulation situations. Make some explanations where necessary. And ask them to find more to enrich the language bank. l Task 3 Cultural Salon Ask the students to read the following presentation and try to get some cultural knowledge about travel arrangements. And make a group discussion about it. Make certain explanations where necessary. l Task 4 Interpreting Practice Ask the students to work on the following sentences and text D. Interpret them into Chinese and English respectively. Then present the reference key to help them to check the answers. A. Sentence Interpreting B. Text Interpreting—Text D II. Self-assessment l After the students have completed all the tasks in this unit, ask them to finish the following assessment form by themselves. This form contains some key points of interpretation skills, words and expressions, cultural background knowledge and the performance they have given. The teacher may give the reference answers to each element they have learned during this unit where necessary. III. Feedback and Comments l After they have finished the interpretation, ask the students to tell their classmates and teacher how they feel about the performance. Then you will make an overall comment on each of their performance and give your suggestion with the help of the following assessment form. l


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