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    时间:2020-09-30 08:04:22来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    Unit 2 After school 第二课时 总第 课时 上课时间:
    年 月 日 教学内容: Fun time & Song time 教学目标:
    1.能初步地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday 2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday,Saturday;

    3.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;
    He/She has…;
    What day is it today?及回答It’s…;

    4. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… 5.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week 教学重点: 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday,Saturday;

    2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;
    He/She has…;
    What day is it today?及回答It’s…;

    3. 能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… 4.初步会唱歌曲:Days of the week 教学难点: 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:Monday,Wednesday,Saturday;

    2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:I have…;
    He/She has…;
    What day is it today?及回答It’s…;

    教学准备: 1.准备录音机和磁带 2.教学图片、多媒体课件 3.板书准备:本节课课题、教学目标 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T:Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello,Miss Li. 2.Say rhymes and read Story time (1)Let’s learn (2)Subjects (2)Story time 3.Timetable T:What’s this? S:It’s our timetable. T:What subjects do you have? S:We have… T:What subjects do you like? S:I like…I can…It’s interesting. 1.教授What lessons do you have?以及回答I have… T:Good.On different days, we have some different lessons. 出示单词lesson-lessons 课(强调课程,某一节课) T:Now,let’s continue to look at the timetable. What day is it today?(指着星期一) S:It’s Monday. T:What lessons do you have? S:I have… Work in pairs.(Wednesday) 出示范例:
    A:What day is it today? B:It’s… A:What lessons do you have? B:I have… 2.教授单词Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday Play a game:根据课猜星期几 先猜星期一和星期三的课,接着讨论星期二的课 T:We have…What day is it? S:It’s… 教授Tuesday,并且板书(同法教授Thursday和Friday) Tuesday = TUE Thursday = THUR Friday = FRI T:We don’t have any lessons on Saturday and… S:Sunday. 教授Sunday, 并且板书 sun 太阳-日 Sunday 星期日-SUN T:Let’s read them together 教师领读单词,或者学生领读,加深学生对单词的记忆。

    3.Fun time----Play a game T:Look, here’s a big turntable.Let’s play the game now. 示范:
    T:What day is it today? S:It’s Monday. T:What lessons do you have? I have Chinese and Maths. T:Now,please talk about the turntable with your partners. 小组活动,讨论转盘上的每一天。

    老师点鼠标,学生喊:Stop. 男女生问答。

    S1:What day is it today? S2:It’s… S1:What lessons do you have? S2:I have… 4.Song time----Days of the week T:There are seven days on the turntable. Let’s read them together. 再次读单词,为接下来的歌曲学习打好基础。

    T:It’s a week. 出示单词week 星期 Sunday is the first day of a week.Saturday is the last day of a week. T:How many days are there in a week? S:There are… T:You did a good job.Let’s enjoy a song now. The song’s name is Days of the week. (1) 欣赏歌曲,让学生掌握基本曲调 (2) 个别歌词教学:That makes a week. (3) 集体唱,小组唱 (4) Show time (这首歌曲里也有第三人称单数形式:makes) Step 3 Consolidation 1.归纳曾经出现的第三人称单数形式 looks,makes… 2.练习与测试 注意听力题的完成,笔试题目要求学生独立完成,个别难题在学生做完后进行讲解 Step 4 Homework 板书设计:
    Unit 2 After school What day is it today? Wednesday Saturday It’s… I have… a football match He/She has… a swimming lesson What a pity!


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