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    疫情英语作文100字 [阻击新型肺炎疫情英语日记带翻译]

    时间:2020-06-18 18:04:25来源:百花范文网本文已影响




      last night, shuanghuanglian oral liquid was inexplicably in fire. it is novel coronavirus that has been released by some media organizations. but this is novel coronavirus, and even who says there are no drugs currently used specifically for the prevention and treatment of new coronaviruses. however, this did not stop people's enthusiasm for buying shuanghuanglian oral liquid. in five minutes, shuanghuanglian oral liquid sold out in all major online pharmacies across the country. even shuanghuanglianrong moon cakes were out of stock, and there were long lines in front of the pharmacies in 24 hours. in a flash, shuanghuanglian oral liquid became the legendary "magic water" to cure all diseases.


      looking back at the history, sars in 20xx caused a panic all over the country, seeking for a cure. at that time, rumors spread that banlangen could prevent sars virus. the drugstore was snapped up, and the final result was not so good. now history is repeating itself. the novel coronavirus oral liquid is said to be cold. drinking too much will not only prevent the new coronavirus, but also make oneself loose and make the body sick. besides, medicine itself is not a good thing. i usually know that i can not take medicine without taking medicine. are i scared to be stupid now?


      in fact, the virus is not as terrible as we think, we can defeat it. as long as you remember what academician zhong nanshan said: try to go out as little as possible, wear masks when going out, keep close contact with people, wash hands and ventilate frequently. there's no virus. we can't beat it. in addition, i would like to remind you that in the future, when you watch the news, you must polish your eyes and not be confused by rumors











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