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    时间:2019-09-08 08:09:35来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    本人xxx,男,1986年生于xxxxxx,从小就受到良好的家庭教育,而且在父母的言传身教下我很早就树立了自己正确的人生观和价值观,并懂得了如何在生活中磨炼自己。 xxxx年x月我被xxxxxxxxx录取,并选择了适合自己学习的国际经济与贸易专业。 一直以来我学习刻苦,勤于钻研,在四年内,学院给了我得智体美全面的教育,科学的安排了;国际贸易、国际工商管理、财务会计、国际结算、市场营销等课程。 四年期间修完全部课程并顺利地通过了计算机国家二级、英语四级等等级考试。适应社会和公司对人才的要求。 为了锻炼自己、服务大家,在大学期间我积极地加入了学院大队学生会,并担任班长一职。在担任班长期间,由于我的积极工作、努力学习,为队里做出了一定的贡献,取得了一定的成绩,曾分别在五四评优和学期评优中被评为“优秀学员”。此外我独立完成了学院科研项目《xxxxxx》,并获得专家教授的一致好评。 大一、大二暑假期间为了培养自己的能力,了解社会。曾在《xxx》杂志社从事撰稿工作,得到了编辑部的一致好评。 后在世纪文学,幻剑书盟等文学网站驻站写文,其中《xxxx》一文获得了近3万次的点击量。 身为军校地方生的我性格开朗,勤奋好学,乐观、自信、责任心强;接受能力强,有强烈的集体荣誉感和上进心。乐于与人相处,与身边的人相处融洽,具有团体合作精神;为人正直,工作认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,做事严谨;缺点是性格比较浮躁。(来源:58同城-自荐信) 希望您能给我一次施展才能的机会,相信我定能胜任我的工作,为公司的发展作出我最大的贡献。 respected leaders: thank you for your time reading my zi jianxin! i xxx, male, born in 1986 xxxxxx, who are well on family education, and parents in their words and deeds that i have set a very positive view of life and their values, and know how to live in their own temper. on the x xxxx xxxxxxxxx i was taking, and to choose a suitable learning international economic and trade professionals. i have been studying hard, diligent study, in four years, the academy has given me a full-chi of the united states educational, scientific arrangements for the international trade, international business management, financial accounting, international settlement, marketing, and so on. complete a full course of the four-year period and smoothly through the computer two countries, such as grade four english examination. on the needs of the community and corporate talent requirements. in order to temper themselves, all services in the college, i actively joined the union college group, and served as a squad leader post. in the squad, as a result of my active work, study hard, for the team made their contributions, and achieved certain results, respectively in the may 4 pingyou pingyou semester and be rated as "excellent students." in addition, i completed an independent research institutions, "xxxxxx", and access to experts and professors of the acclaim. freshman, sophomore during the summer vacation in order to develop their own capacity to understand the community. in the "xxx" in the magazines contributors, the editorial department received the unanimous praise. after the century literature, such as literature huanjianshumeng site in the station to write text, which "xxxx," it was nearly 30,000 times clicked on. as a military academy where students i open person qifenhaohua, optimism, self-confidence, a strong sense of responsibility; accept strong, have a strong collective sense of honor and self-motivated. happy to live with the people, and people around the living together harmoniously, with groups in the spirit of human integrity, work responsibilities seriously, to hard-working, have strict shortcomings are character impatient. i hope you will give me a chance to display, i believe i will rise to the work of the companys development of my biggest contribution. ok!!

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