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    时间:2020-02-11 14:26:34来源:百花范文网本文已影响


      The Wind and The Sun


      The wind and the sun decided to have a bet. The wind knew that the sun had no strength and believed that he could win. "I'm the best in the world.” "Mr. Wind, why don't you and I find out who is the stronger one."


      Just then a traveler was walking by. "Why don't we find out who could first take off that man's jacket.” The sun confidently suggested. "Fine."


      The wind confidently, with all his strength began to blow. Just then the clear blue sky and the sun was no where to be seen and only the wind began to blow. The traveler tucked his jacket in closer and said, "Why is it so cold all of a sudden?” The stronger the wind blew, the traveler pulled his jacket closer and closer to him.


      "Whew, I'm so cold where has the sun gone to? If this keeps up, I'm going to fly off.” The traveler stopped and tucked in his jacket even more.


      The sun arrived with a big smile on his face. "Now it is my turn." The sun beamed his warm sunlight. The exhausted wind stepped back.


      The traveler wiped his sweat and said, "Just a little while ago, the wind was blowing strongly how is it all of a sudden, the sun is shining down." The traveler took off his jacket and threw it down.


      The sun gave a big smile and said, "Wind, there are something in his world that can't be done by strength alone." The boastful wind was so embarrassed that he ran off.


    相关热词搜索:太阳 儿童英语 故事

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