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    时间:2023-06-30 10:20:05来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    建筑设计:Tatsuya Kawamoto+Associates | 地点:日本爱知县 | 摄影:Takashi Uemura

    Design Company: Tatsuya Kawamoto+Associates | Location: Aichi Japan | Photo credits: Takashi Uemura

    这间住宅位于主干道旁的支路上,设计需要满足除日常生活之外的活动空间,同时规划一个内外无缝连续的空间。建筑本身的木框架独具特色,8 米宽的框架有序排开,确保开放式建筑面积尽可能大,每一组框架都对空间进行划分与统一,从外向内依次是入口前庭院、起居室与卧室等等,并且由坡屋顶落于这样梁架上,整体上来看与周围环境相对协调,同时达到日本住宅防震所需的稳定性。


    设计师设计的独特悬垂屋顶一直延伸到由道路边缘形成的场地边界的极限。工作室创始人 Tatsuya Kawamoto 解释说:“我们的目标是通过考虑私家路的周围环境来获得最大的空间体积,其中前路是一个单独的财产,并规划一个内外无缝连续的空间。”

    When both "high earthquake resistance" and "open space"are required It usually makes more sense to have a main space on the second floor if it were originally,since the amount of walls required structurally is less than the first floor.But here,we aim to get the maximum spatial volume in the conditions given by taking in the surrounding environment of the "private road" where the front road is an individual property and planning a space in which the inside and outside are seamlessly continuous at the 1st floor.By making it a simple and clear configuration that only has a "gate-frame" of 8.0m in width,it achieves both well-balanced earthquake resistance performance and a large opening.This "private road" extending like a branch from the main road was stretched around this area,and a unique community was formed respectively.

    By incorporating the unique locality that is different from each road into the living space as it is,we thought that it would be possible to contribute to regional development as a new climate as a residential area for communities that could be made as a by-product of local industries.In addition to its role as an earthquake-resistant element,the "gate-frame" plays a role as a ruler that gives rhythm to the space by arranging at regular intervals and measures the sense of distance from the city,and by inserting rails into each frame,it is possible to easily make it private according to life for each frame.

    In order to make effective use of the limited premises as much as possible,it is expected that the life of the resident will gradually ooze out into the area under the large roof by extending the eaves to the front road side and creating an external space continuously.Thanks to the surrounding environment,which was wrapped moderately by chance,we were able to take in the neighboring land including the road as a living space.It is a way of construction which took root in this land made by mixing the demand that the resident requests,the structure form to solve the land,and these.

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