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  • 百花范文网 > 信函 > 感谢信 > 2017年7月1377国开电大本科《理工英语3》期末考试试题及答案 电大试卷1377理工英语

    2017年7月1377国开电大本科《理工英语3》期末考试试题及答案 电大试卷1377理工英语

    时间:2021-07-19 17:14:08来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    2017年7月1377国开电大本科《理工英语3》期末考试试题及答案 一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    1.―How long is this cellphone guaranteed? ―___________________ A.No problem. B.You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year. C.You can say it again. [答案]B 2.―It is a little expensive for me.Can I have a discount? ―___________________ A.You must be kidding. B.It is terrible. C.The price has been reduced by 50%.It is a real bargain. [答案]C 3.―Would you like to go to attend the conference on global warming with me? ―________, but I should finish my homework first. A.I's hard to say B.You're welcome C.I'd love to [答案]C 4.―What do you think of your new computer? ―___________________ A.I think so. B.How about you? C.It is really fantastic. [答案]C 5.―1havejustgotaniPadasmy birthday gift. ―___________________ A.Good luck! B.That's right! C.Congratulations! [答案]C 二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    6.Going“green”____________have to be a challenge. A.don't B.doesn't [答案]B 7.The____________question is much more different than this one. A.six B.sixth C.sixteen [答案]B 8.There are____________students in Class One than in Class Two. A.many B.more C.most [答案]B 9.I have never read a book that is____________than Harry Potter. A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting [答案]B 10.This garden is three times as____________as that one. A.big B.bigger C.biggest [答案]A 11.The law requires that everyone____________his car checked at least once a year. A.has B.had C.have [答案]C 12.These shops____________to the needs of children. B.solve C.cater [答案]C 13.It is necessary____________the book immediately. A.for him to return B.his returning C.that he returns [答案]A 14.____________Mr Zhang said is quite right. A.That B.When C.What [答案]C 15.I prefer____________to____________. driven drive...rather than being driven C.driving...being driven [答案]C 16.It will cost____________time to paint the old furniture. A.considerate B.considerably C.considerable [答案]C 17.Katie admits she sometimes uses TV as a pacifier when her children are overly excited and it usually____________. A.plays C.affects [答案]B 18.Each CPU considered more than 6 billion hands of poker.That____________more poker than has been played by the entire human race. A.adapts to used to C.amounts to [答案]C 19.If I had time,____________see that new movie at the University Theater. A.I'll B.1may C.I'd [答案]C 20.The organization will____________a survey about the career choices of the college graduates. A.lead B.conduct C.Manage [答案]B 三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分) 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

    Green interior design is sometimes called sustainable design.It is about what is good and what is bad for people's health, for the environment and for saving energy, Of course,fashinn is a big part of green interior design.But it is not the only thing being focused on.The key words of green interior design are not‘cool', ‘modern', ‘stylish' and‘now';

    but instead‘sustainable', ‘recycled', ‘non-toxic', ‘locally sourced','renewable’ and ‘organic'. For example.Italian leather couches might be the hut word in style.But a green interior designer cares more about whether the leather is from an organic source, whether the wood is from a sustainably managed forest, whether there was any toxic glues used in making the furniture and what was the carbon output in shipping Italian sofa from Europe to other areas, Green design is about analyzing all aspects of a building to find ways to save energy and water, to find ways to reduce greenhouse gas make the interior free of toxic chemicals and to use materials that are the most environmentally friendly. Reducing energy bills is a primary aim of green interior design.Saving water is the sec nnd aim of green interior design.‘Low VOC', ‘zero VOC' and‘VOC free' are new buzz phrases in the green design.From a green design point of view, the main concern is to c house indoor flooring, furniture, paint that are free of chemicals that pollute and make penple sick. 21.Green interior design pays great attention to people's health, saving energy and____________. A.environmental protection design C.unsustainable resources [答案]A 22.A green interior designer may not choose certain material if it is____________. A.sustainable B.renewable C.toxic [答案]C 23.The word“cool”in Line 4 means____________. A.chilly B.stylish C.cold [答案]B 24.The primary aim of green interior design is____________. A.saving water B.reducing energy bills C.low VOC [答案]B 25.The topic of this passage is about____________. to decorate homes B.reducing energy consumption interior design [答案]C 26-30题:根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将答案写在答题纸上。

    It is amazing to note that the Internet is still such a new device, and yet iris one of the fastest and most powerful media tools.But think about it for a moment.On the Internet, a big online company can be run by only two guys in their garage.So it is only reasonable then, that people shopping online would he a little leery of the security levels. Internet giants such as Microsoft knew consumer confidence was the key to getting virtual(虚拟的) shopping off the ground, and they work hard to make people feel safe to shop online. Credit card companies, too, quickly saw the potential for online shopping, and have installed things like online shopping insurance for people.If you ever have a problem with your online credit purchases, many credit card companies will happily refund(退还) your money and then set their claws on the company that wronged you.Now that's buying power! There are other bonuses for online shoppers, of course.No line&.shy;

    ups, for one.No annoying mall shopping carts with broken wheels and kids crying because their parents won't get them what they want. When shopping online, consumers can sit down, have a coffee, and wear their slippers,not having to worry about their hair or parking, and just clicking through sale after sale.Comparison shopping couldn't be any easier.And thanks to courier companies(快递公司)getting in on the act, you never need to wait longer than a day or two to get those all important purchases delivered right to your door. No wonder so many companies are shaking their heads at traditional retailing and instead looking to the“virtual”world to attract online shoppers. 26.The underlined word“leery”in the first paragraph means being very sure. [答案]F 27.Consumer confidence in online shopping mainly relies on security in shopping. [答案]T 28.Internet giants, traditional retailers, courier companies and credit card companies have made contributions to the popularity of online shopping. [答案]T 29.The author thinks of the current online shopping as safe, convenient and fast. [答案]T 30.Nowadays many companies are trying to cooperate with the online shoppers instead of traditional retailers. [答案]T 四、写作(共 20 分) 31.根据所给内容写一封推荐信。




    Dear sir, It's my honor to recommend a student to me, Yang Li. She applied for a Ph. D. degree in your school. She got her master's degree this summer, and she graduated very well. Her ability to learn and work is beyond the average student. Not only has she made great contributions to academic research in our college, but she also has a very good relationship with her classmates and teachers. During the period of postgraduate education, he served as the leader of many societies. You are welcome to know something else about her. Professor Li

    相关热词搜索:理工 电大 英语 2017年7月1377国开电大本科《理工英语3》期末考试试题及答案 电大试卷1377理工英语 理工英语3试卷号1377

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