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    [电子信息工程183三校生陈康乐刮痧] 内蒙古电子信息

    时间:2020-07-26 16:12:06来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    Thinking after seeing the film 《The Treatment》 It gave me a deep impression ,after watching the film 《The Treatment》.The film Describe the difference of legal system and social habits between china and the west, which causes a series of conflicts. the film fully embodies the differences between Chinese and western cultures. Dennis, five years old, has a fever for stomach, his grandfather treated Dennis with scraping therapy, which is popular among Chinese folk. The behave of grandfather was treated as the evidence of abusing children. In the night of Christmas, XU Da Tong was eager for his family. He climbed the water pipe outside the apartment building to the ninth floor, the window of his own house. As a result, it caused police car roared to him. The lawyer even commented on the Monkey King in the journey to the west: “when someone planted a peach for nine thousand years, he would eat it without telling the owner to pick it. When someone stopped him, he would not only refuse to listen to the dissuade, but also fight to destroy the peach garden. He ate the red pills that others had tried so hard to make, beat his master's head to pieces, and destroyed his workshop before he left. Such a wild and naughty monkey was portrayed as a hero by Xu in the video game...“ At the end of the movie, Quinlan comes to Chinatown to experience the scrapping treatment. Understanding and change in the concept of him began to make efforts for Xu Da Tong to withdraw the case. In the end, it's the happy ending that wins the movie. Perhaps the root of cultural identity is respect. Respect is the best way to embrace another world. Eventually, though the misunderstanding was solved, this incident brought great changes to the people around him. As far as I am concerned, we not only respect the foreign culture, but also respect. Our own traditional culture. We are supposed to know the culture and with patience.

    相关热词搜索:刮痧 电子信息工程 三校生 电子信息工程183三校生陈康乐刮痧 内蒙古电子信息 呼和浩特职业学院

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