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  • 百花范文网 > 总结范文 > 党团工作总结 > 绯闻女孩经典语录_绯闻女孩经典台词blair


    时间:2019-07-26 08:09:39来源:百花范文网本文已影响

    Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattan’s elites. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。


    Gossip girl: Spotted, lonely boy can’t believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was.


    * Gossip的经典转折..哈哈..

    Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald, always have, always will.


    * 出现两次,相似的第三次是C说的。

    Serena: I didn’t come back for you.


    * 自作多情的N。。

    Gossip girl: There’s nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.


    * 女人之间的战役一般都用cat fight,因为女人打架都像猫一样又叫又抓。。

    Chuck: But happinedoes not seem on the menu, so smoke up, and seal the deal with Blair.


    * 这句话,灰常悲凉哈。。上东区贵族的苦衷。。

    Serena: I don’t wanna take anything, it’s just...

    Blair: Because it’s yours to take if you want.



    * 艾。。。当时觉得B好可怜。。

    Chuck: I love it when you talk dirty.

    Serena: You just love when a girl talks to you.

    Chuck: Actually, I prefer them when they’re not talking.




    * C的XX可见一斑。。S的反击也很有力。。

    Chuck (to Serena): Best friend and the boyfriend, that’s pretty classy, S.

    * 这句话在12集也出现了。GG的风格就是前后呼应。。很多话,比如这句,比如I’m chuck bass以及 I love you, N 都是出现了好几次的。

    Dan: You’d really go out with some guy you don’t know?

    Serena: Well you can’t be worse than the guys I do know.



    Lily: Stay outta my life, Rufus


    * 这句Lily说得很温柔,很美

    Gossip girl: I bet you’re wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early. Truth is, I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better.



    Eric (to Serena): No man in the history has ever hated you.


    * S真是nice到家的人~

    Serena (to Blair): It’s not tradition if it’s new.


    * 这句话之后B没有说出相应的反击了。。

    Blair: It’s enough when I say it’s enough.


    * queen阿~

    Gossip girl: Choose your side or run & hide.


    * 这里是BS大战开始,GG这句话说得很漂亮。

    Chuck: Why should be chosen to be an usher? I’m Chuck Bass.

    为什么我要做接待员呢?因为我是Chuck Bass.

    * 囧~这句话万能~

    Gossip girl: We all know one nation can’t have two queens.


    * 其实我更倾向前一种翻译,虽然后一种更地道,但是前一种更贴切queen B。。

    Gossip girl: Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall.

    Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。

    B’s mother: Fashion knows not of comfort.


    * 爱漂亮的女孩子应该知道哈。

    Rufus: This better not be my wife.

    Lily: Rufus you always answer the phone like this?



    * 太可爱了。。

    Jenny: I guethere are firsts for everything.


    * J初露锋芒,B快被气死。

    Blair: No more excuses. Serena must have the hottest date ever. If he’s got plans, he’ll change them. If he’s got a girlfriend, he’ll dump her. If he’s out town, he’ll charter a G5 and fly home.Make it happen.


    * 女王B..服了她了。。喜欢她的霸道~~~~

    Rufus: I’m sorry that I kissed you, but I did it, because I thought he should know how it feels to lose you. Trust me, it was not fun.



    Gossip girl: Call us old schools, but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get off his aand saddle up his steed.


    * 对这里的翻译不确定,达人翻下。。

    Gossip girl: What is that we said about appearances? Yeah, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.


    Gossip girl: As you may’ve guessed, upper east siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition, it’s human nature to be free.


    Blair: Do you like me?

    Chuck: Define “like”.



    * 最可爱的C在这里出现了~~

    Gossip: B turning a year older, but not necessarily wiser.


    Gossip: Spotted, Nate Archibald learning you don’t know a good thing till it’s gone, and found someone else.


    Rufus: Hello, Celia, I’d say it’s nice to see you, but I know how you hate dishonesty.


    * 气死这老太婆。。。

    Rufus: Your money was no good for me then and still no good for me now.


    * 有骨气!

    Gossip: Spotted Chuck Balosing sth no one knew he had begin with—his heart.


    Gossip: It’s often said no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they were lookin at the same big picture all along.


    * 这里的翻译也不确定。。水平实在有限。。

    Lily (to Blair): Oh, hello. Goodbye!

    Eric: He only has one facial expression. He scares me.

    Serena: And he raised Chuck. That scares me.



    * 这里很搞笑。。

    Rufus:I miyou, and I’ve been missing you for a while.


    * 多么希望RL在一起。。

    Nate: If you’re ready to forgive me, then nothing can tear us apart, I promise.

    Blair: What you said before, I love you too, always have, always will.


    ——对于你之前说的(之前他说了I love you) ,我也爱你,一直是,永远会。

    * 痴情的小孩,怎么就信了N呢。。

    路人甲:Best friend and boy friend.

    路人乙:Pretty classy.




    * 第一集C说过的话重现。

    Dan:There. That"s why. Because I actually like it when you interrupt me ,Which is often , by the way.

    I love you because you make no apologies about being exactly who you are--Beautiful, smart, se-xy as hell.


    Serena: Now you"re embarrassing me.


    Dan: That’s another reason. You"re completely unaware of your affect on me.

    You"re also completely unaware that you laugh like a 4 year old. Just like that.

    And I love you because you can be with someone like me, and still be best friends with someone like Blair.


    Serena: Yeah, well, I tried to be.


    Dan: I know you do, and that"s not easy. But you never give up on her. That is how amazing you are.


    Serena: Well, you"re amazing, too .For being able to say all of those things .You just are.


    * 一段长长的发自内心的对话,当时的SD是那么好。第二部开始非常的讨厌D!!!!

    Blair: Everything"s horrible. My whole life is falling apart.


    Serena: So rebuild it. You"re a Waldorf, remember?


    People don"t tell you who you are. You tell them. Stay and fight. I"ll fight with you.


    Blair: I’m so embarrassed. I"m so......


    Serena: So what? Start over. It can be done.


    I should know. We"ll get through this together.


    Blair: You promise?


    Serena: Promise.



    Gossip: One may be the loneliest number, but sometimes only the lonely can play。Wake up, little Jenny, the bi-tc-h is back


    快醒醒,little J,贱人回来了。

    * queen B is back!终于回归了,实在不喜欢B那么颓丧的样子。

    相关热词搜索:绯闻 经典语录 女孩 《绯闻女孩》经典台词 绯闻女孩经典对白

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